Wednesday, August 22, 2007

End of Summer and Nasty Talk

Jake and I wanted to do something to celebrate both kids heading off to school so yesterday we took the kids bowling and out to an early dinner. Jake slipped out of work early and it was fun to do something different. As Reese starts pre-school and Nate heads off to Kindergarten (tomorrow!) it has hit me how very precious these last six years have been. I have been able to spend almost every waking moment when my kids. What a treat that is.
Nate and I dropped Reese off at school this morning and headed over to the nature center to hang out together, then to lunch were we shared a huge brownie topped with ice cream. It was so much fun hanging out with just him. On our way home we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some cool things for his lunch box and as we were headed into the store I got a heaviness in my chest as I walked past moms with small children. I realized I would often be shopping alone after tomorrow. How can it be that my babies aren't babies at all?
On the way home from picking up Reese from school I hear him call Nate and "stinky roach." He tells me he learned that at school! We had a chat when we got home about "nice words" and how "stinky roach" wasn't one of them. I fear this isn't the last time we'll have this discussion!

1 comment:

Hope said...

It wasn't so much the words "stinky roach" because by itself it's not so bad, it was the way he said it...over and over again in such a nasty tone. He had an attitude all afternoon...hope tomorrow he's over it.