Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Check Up

I'm feeling more human as I got my stomach feeding tube out this morning. It hurt like hell and really freaked me out. My neck and tongue are healing good and I have about one more week of the bandages. I asked for more of the wonderful pain meds, but they down graded me to something less addictive, so no more happy good night medicinal cocktails. Poo. The swelling is going down, but the doctor said it could take another month or two to completely go away. Another Poo. My body is thin, but my face is fat...not attractive.


Myrtle's Mayhem said...

You are beautiful with or without any ol' pooey puffiness! So happy to hear your recovery continues to progress!

:) Mere

Life is beautiful... Mostly said...

It is amazing how well you are doing! Here's to more happy healing!


AnnMarie said...

rob volunteered to go get you the pain meds off the street if you'll shar! lol :)

keep healing xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I know you are frustrated with what seems to be slow progress. Try to hang in there. I think you look and sound really good!


Anonymous said...

We will work on getting the body back in to portion real soon. The boys will need a Mom soft enough to hug tight.

Sounds like you are really improving quickly. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

keep up the positive thoughts..they are key to a happy recovery!
love to you all,

Jenny said...

Hey girlie. Glad to hear an update. I'm sure all that puffy stuff will disappear soon.

Love ya.