Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 6

Yippee my foot/ankle seem to be better. I ran last Friday after a full week of sitting on my butt. It was a short run, but it felt great. I was feeling my progress slip away and am so glad whatever happened to my foot has healed and I'm back in the swing of things. Cheryl and I met up this morning after getting the kids off to school and ran outside for the first time together. Of course by the time we got the kids off and met it was nearly 9:30 and VERY hot and humid. I can't stress this enough. We met at the marathon starting point and headed out on the course, only to be done in by the heat, just shy of a mile. We walked the mile back to the car and by the time when made it we were soaking wet in sweat. We agreed that until the Florida heat and humidity take a hike we'd meet at the crack of dawn on the weekends.

I didn't bother to weigh myself today and have contemplated not weighing in at all until after the run. I just get discouraged when the scale doesn't say what I think it should. I find myself making up for it with a few too many trips to the kitchen. Oh, how I love food.


Jenny said...

Since having the baby I have been on a strict diet and I'm seeing results. However, I don't weigh every day. If I lose a pound or two, I wait a few days to weigh again, so I can "feed" off that victory for a while (don't want to get discouraged!).
Exercise will start soon. My knee is messed up somehow and I'm just at 5 weeks postpartum...

Mom Tu-Tu said...

Hi! I just wanted you to know that I awarded you the Nice Matters Award over at my blog!