Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Got up this morning and was at a loss of what we could do to entertain ourselves. The rain, which we need desperately, cancelled any outdoor plans we had. We ended up making a Target run and picked up some dog and cat food that we took to the local animal shelter. After dropping off our donation we checked out the animals. We were hoping to see some kittens, but no luck. The barking dogs scared Reese so we spent most of our time in the quiet cat room. No, we are not in the market for a cat or dog. I just thought the kids would like to go see the animals and it makes you feel good to help out, even if in a small way.

Jake convinced me it was a good idea to buy a treadmill. I resisted for years thinking we'd never use it, but a week ago I agreed to the purchase. I've used it every day since and hope I keep it up.

To celebrate my good health and recent comfort with the good and bad aspects of my body, I indulged in a bikini today. I feel young knowing I own a bikini.....that I can fit into.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I don't think I'll be rocking a bikini anytime soon! I bet you look great though!