Sunday, June 24, 2007

No More Plastic Grocery Bags

Consider this...........

Phoenix might have a future without plastic grocery bags.
City Councilman Greg Stanton said the council is considering ways to phase them out and he thinks people can adapt to the change.
“Almost everyone has included recycling principles into their daily lives,” Stanton said. “The same thing with the use of plastic bags, we’re just going to eventually have to integrate reusable bags into our lifestyles.”
Stanton said plastic bags can’t be recycled.
“When plastic bags are put out in the recycling, people at the recycling plant have to pull them out and put them into the dump,” Stanton said.
Stanton wants to see the bags phased out and replaced by reusable bags and paper sacks.
San Francisco and Taiwan recently passed a ban on plastic bags.
“Many cities around the world have done the ban,” Stanton said. “We’re first looking at working with the industry to come up with solutions before there’s an ultimate decision to eliminate them in our community.”
He said the council plans on working with grocery stores.
“I don’t think you’re going to see an outright ban in the short-run,” Stanton said. “I think you have to give people time to integrate this into their lives.” - Earth 911

We made the switch about a month ago. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I found these cute bags on Oprah's website. Everyone knows I'm an Oprah fan, but that is NOT why I picked these bags. I looked a long time for a good quality bag that didn't cost too much. These are nice and sturdy and at $9.95 a bag much cheaper that other's I found. Consider the switch.


Jenny said...

You're so green!!! :) Al Gore would be proud!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hiya Hope, thanks for sharing the blog. How many greenie bags do you take to the store in order to bring home a decent load of groceries? Thanks, Alyson

Hope said...

I bought 6 bags and that's usually all I need. A few times it didn't all fit so I had to use plastic for the overflow.

Oh, and it takes awhile before you get into the routine of remembering to bring them into the store! A few times I didn't think about the bags until I was already in the check out line.

Anna said...

There's also the "I'm not a plastic bag" bag.